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EPA GRO Fellowship

I was awarded the EPA Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship in my junior year, a two-year, $50,000 federal award to pursue EPA environmental research and attend professional conference.

Salt Marsh Ecosystem Services
Through the internship component of the EPA GRO Fellowship, my project was to create a salt marsh rapid assessment using an ecosystem services framework in the light of threats such as development, invasive species, ocean acidification, and climate change. This project involved a literature review, field testing, and several presentations. Additionally, I assisted CBEP in routine salt marsh monitoring and participated in eelgrass restoration research. During the summer I gave several presentations to EPA and CBEP staff, and at the end of the project I wrote a white paper. 


Elements of the fellowship

The EPA GRO Fellowship is awarded to undergraduate rising juniors to support students in environmentally related fields of study. The fellowship includes a 12-week, full time summer internship, conference attendence, and financial support for junior and senior year of undergraduate education. 


Click here to learn more about the fellowship.

Summer Internship

EPA Region 1/Casco Bay Estuary Partnership                                                                                                             Summer 2015

Professional Conference

Esri User Conference 2015                                                                                                                                              Summer 2015

For the conference portion of the EPA GRO Fellowship I had the opportunity to attend the 2015 Esri User Conference, where I was able to expand my knowledge of the capabilities of GIS while attending sessions, meeting other students and young users of the technology, and professionals in the field. This experience helped to solidify my interest in GIS and to learn more about Esri, the leading software vendor in the GIS industry. 

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